Technical Support for Dairy and Beef farmers

This service is geared towards new and existing farmers that may require technical support to set-up or expand their facility.

  1. Farmer makes a request via call or visit to the office of the Jamaica Development Dairy Board (JDDB) at Hope Road, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Mining.
  2. Submit request form in office /online
  3. Request form is analyzed and routed to technical assist or field officer.
  4.  A Needs Assessment is scheduled and officer visits location.
  5. Findings of the Assessment are documented.
  6. Recommendations are made based on needs for both New and Existing Farmer to ascertain further assistance via grants and/or loans 
  7. Documents are dispatched to CEO/Board for Approval.
  8. A decision is made to approve or reject request, If Yes letter detailing intervention is sent to the customer followed by step eight (8), If No instructions will be given and redirected to the step two (2).
  9. Generate letter of  Approval 
  10. Commence Intervention

Pasture Development Assistance

Pasture Development

Dairy farmers over the years have grown dependent on concentrate supplements, an expensive feed source due to the inability to sustain tropical pastures. This is caused by challenges experienced with critical inputs that often results in poor pastures and feed scarcity. Whilst feed is a critical source to improve milk production, its availability remains a challenge.
Through the JDDB’s commitment to effectively regulate, coordinate, promote, and grow Jamaica’s dairy industry, a keen focus has been placed on pasture development to include; planting of specialized seeds enabling forage and silage conservation for sustained feed availability. To access this service, the farmer will:

  1. Visit the Jamaica Development Dairy Board office at Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries, Hope Road to fill out requisition form.
  2. Submit Requisition form  to Dairy Cooperative of which farmer is a member /JDDB Officer for review 
  3. Requisition is reviewed by JDDB CEO for approval.
  4. A decision will be made to approve or reject requisition, if YES it goes on to next step. If NO review will be done by the JDDB Board of Directors and recommendations made then sent back to step two (2).
  5. Farmer will be asked to submit three (3) quotes from three different Suppliers to Dairy Cooperative/ JDDB officer.
  6. Documents will be review by Dairy Cooperative/JDDB officer JDDB. 
  7. Officer submits documents to CEO for Approval.
  8. A decision is made to approve or reject , if YES it goes on to next step, If NO review is done by the JDDB Board and recommendations made then sent back to step five (5).
  9. Farmer must pay 10% of the value of the invoice.
  10. Supplier dispatch goods to Dairy Cooperative/JDDB. 
  11. Co-operative/JDDB Officer dispatch goods to Farmer.

Concessionary Loan Fund

This component provided by the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) through on-lending banks National People’s Cooperative Bank Network and the First Heritage Cooperative Credit Union since 2009 and 2013 respectively. All dairy farmers across Jamaica have access loans through these facilities to improve their herd and pastures. Loans have interest rates as low as 5%
Dairy Loans

  1. Visit or call the Jamaica Development Dairy Board to make request. Advice will be given to submit a Business Plan.
  2. Submit Business Plan to JDDB Project Coordinator for review.
  3. Project Coordinator submits analysis of Business Plan to CEO for further review 
  4. Business Plan is sent to Board of Directors for review and Approval.
  5. A decision is made to approve or reject Business Plan, if YES it goes on to next step, If No instructions is given and redirected to the step two (2).
  6. Project Coordinator submits letter of approval to Financial Entity.
  7. Financial Entity review letter of Approval (Development Bank of Jamaica - DBJ or other).
  8. Financial Entity request additional documents based on nature of loan.
  9. Document is reviewed for approval by Financial Entity.
  10. A decision is made to approve or reject loan, if YES it goes on to next step, if No instructions is given and redirected to step two (2). 
  11. Generate Approval Letter to inform Farmer/Customer that funds are available for collection from financial entity.