In an effort to revitalize and sustainably develop the dairy industry, the JDDB since the start of its operation in 2009 continues to provide support to our dairy farmers. Services provided are geared towards improving the dairy sector by raising the productivity levels on dairy farms and to increase the local production of milk.
Pasture Establishment/Rehabilitation

Farmers are provided with assistance in the establishment or rehabilitation of their pastures. Farmers are provided with planting materials; land preparation and seed planting assistance and also technical support are given to harvest and conserve fodder materials.
Concessionary Loan Fund
This component provided by the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) through on-lending banks National People’s Cooperative Bank Network and the First Heritage Cooperative Credit Union since 2009 and 2013 respectively. All dairy farmers across Jamaica have access to loans through these facilities to improve their herd and pastures. Loans have interest rates as low as 5%
Heifer Redeployment Programme

This Programme facilitates the distribution of grants and the provision of low-interest loans to assist farmers in acquiring animals and to genetically improve their herd.
Fodder Conservation
As a response to climate change and its adverse impact on feed availability. The JDDB provides technical support to farmers in silage production and conservation.
Equipment Leasing Programme
Since 2014 the Jamaica Dairy Development Board has been providing equipment on lease for dairy farmers island-wide. The JDDB provides lease equipment to enhance the effectiveness in the harvesting of fodder material.
The JDDB continues to partner with the public and private sectors to provide training and workshops for our dairy farmers. Training strengthens farmers’ capacity in the use of improved technologies.