The Jamaica Dairy Development Board (JDDB) began operations in September 1999 consequent upon Cabinet Resolution No. 13/99 of April 19, 1999. The enabling legislation was enacted with effect from February 13, 2009 and received the assent of the Governor General on March 10, 2009.
Following its enactment, the Board began operation as a Statutory Body with effect from September 09, 2009, with the appointment of a Board of Directors by the Honourable Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries. The Board comprises ten members of diverse backgrounds.

Vision Statement
"To establish an internationally competitive dairy industry that is economically and environmentally sustainable, self-sufficient, and enhances food security for our nation"
Mission Statement
"To effectively regulate and advance the dairy industry by establishing a robust regulatory framework, leveraging technological innovations and research, and fostering development programs, services, and strategic partnership"
Core Values
The Jamaica Dairy Development Board (JDDB) is committed to “Transforming the Dairy Industry” through our core values:
- Results-Oriented - We focus on delivering our products and services to create positive changes in stakeholders’ access to quality forage, productivity, and efficiency in farm management practices.
- Effectiveness - We regulate, enforce, and govern the dairy industry to ensure compliance.
- Accountability - We assume full responsibility for resources entrusted to us, we are committed to functioning with transparency in the interest of our country, customers, and staff.
- Customer-focused - We provide consistent, reliable, and relevant information, service and training to stakeholders and resolve issues with enthusiasm and efficiency.
- Honesty – We are truthful and committed to maintaining sincerity and openness with all stakeholders.
- Fairness - We employ actions, systems and processes that are morally right and honourable. We are committed to equity, decency, and courtesy.
- Open Communication - We interact with stakeholders in a transparent manner to foster a trustworthy relationship.
- Responsive - We seek to find the solution to any challenge faced by stakeholders in the dairy industry in a timely manner.
- Integrity - We are trustworthy, honest, and open with our customers. Our staff members are sincerely receptive to the public. We are impartial and non-partisan.
- Teamwork - Our staff are supportive of each other. We are focused on common purposes and goals. We value each team member's contribution.