Trade Board Limited

Provide technical support and advice in the area of trade policy, including but not limited to: market access, safeguards, dumping, rules of origin, tariffs, competition, technical barriers to trade, standards and accreditation; Conduct research as required to determine the trade policy strategies that maximize economic benefit to Jamaica; Coordinate consultations within the Ministry and its agencies to ensure that the Ministry’s positions are harmonised; Ensure that trade policies are clearly articulated and implemented in the formulation of plans, policies and programmes; Plays an integra

The Jamaica 4H Clubs & Educational Institutions

The dairy industry interfaces with The Jamaica 4H Clubs & Educational Institutions to promote Agricultural programmes in schools critical to securing the sustainability of the sector by stemming the talent pool from the secondary level. 

The National School Feeding Programme is also integral to this initiative, as there is a move to establish dairy products as a staple item in the nutrition of the nation’s children; so as to negate the impact of nutrition on the students from economically challenged households. 

Agricultural Educational Institutions 

Food and Agriculture Organization

Established by the United Nations in 1945 the FAO is a neutral organization.  It strives to provide information and support sustainable agriculture through legislation and national strategies, with the goal of alleviating hunger.  It contributes to international efforts to defeat hunger and improve local economies by helping its member countries modernize and improve agriculture, forestry and fishery practices.  Therefore, instead of directly administering aid or food, it attempts to set up sustainable food sources, resources, and operational systems in nations.

Cattle Breeders Society of Jamaica

Breed societies exist to promote, preserve and improve their particular breed, defining their breed standard and recording pedigree. Preserving the gene pool of individual breeds ensures that they are not diluted. Genes continue to exist (and can be secured through semen banks for example) and excellence can be traced and potentially replicated.

The Pesticide Control Authority (PCA)

The PCA is a statutory body of the Government of Jamaica, mandated through the Pesticides Act of 1975 to regulate, manage and control pesticide usage in Jamaica. Other Acts also impinge on pesticide control, but the Pesticides Act (1975) was legislated to allow for specific control of the pesticide industry. This department works closely with the agricultural sector.

Bodles Research Station

The livestock research unit at the Bodles Research Station has responsibility for the maintenance and genetic improvement within the nucleus herd of the Jamaica Hope breed of cattle.  The genetic improvement realized within this herd is subsequently disseminated throughout the national herd by way of the semen collected and stored at Bodles and later used in artificial insemination services.  

Veterinary Services Division

The Veterinary Services Division oversees national health, animal status and welfare through its various services offered island wide. The Division operates Diagnostic Laboratory services for the protection of the livestock industry; it certifies the health of animals; it is involved in the import/export inspection of live animals, meats and meat products; and it offers artificial insemination services for cattle, pigs and goats. The Ministry has revamped the Artificial Insemination Service (AIS) with the acquisition of a Liquid Nitrogen Plant for the safe storage of semen.

The Veterinary Public Health Department of the Ministry of Health

Under the Public Health Act established 1985, speaks to ensuring that sanitation, inspection and certification of places connected with food to include slaughter houses and dairies is followed. The regulation, sanitation of equipment, maintenance, inspection and registration of dairies and any premises where any business in relation to the production, sale, delivery, or distribution of milk is undertaken. The inspection and testing of milk obtained from goats and cows for human consumption and the precautions to be taken in the milking of animals.